August 29, 2003

i'm soooooooooo damn tired.

reno 911 is one of the funniest damn shows on television.

August 28, 2003

you know what sucks? summer colds...and i'm coming down with one. the back of my throat is scratchy and my nose is stuffy. blech!

we saw radiohead in st. louis sunday night, and it was totally awesome. i saw them in '98 at the galaxy in st. louis, which is a small club, so of course the umb band pavillion was a little different. last time i was hanging on johnny's monitor, this time i was in row RR, so you get the idea. still, it was a great show. leaving was a nightmare. it took us about an hour to get on the road. i hadn't been there since lollapalooza ' next draught may even be longer, since i have no love for the place.

i would talk more about the show, but i still need to throw on my work clothes...i still haven't talked about our trip to st. paul!!!

i shall return.

August 26, 2003

we're going to go buy THE TWO TOWERS tonight! i assume that we'll try and watch it, since allie is pretty excited about it. i'm sure that will blow her bed time, but she's been looking forward to the release for quite some time. i guess this means i won't get any work done tonight on the wooden man site..but oh well.

August 22, 2003

again...waiting to go to work. my head is stuffy...i wish it would rain, so i could stay home.
finally started work on the wooden man site last night; just graphics though. i think i have a background that they'll be happy with.
i need to write about our trip to st. paul last weekend. we loved that city! dad is here, just heard him pull up. gotta go and sweat for eight hours. joy.

August 12, 2003


once again...i'm in front of the monitor @ six in the morning...waiting to go to work. work is sucking this week. however, it's only a four day week, cause we're driving up to st. paul on friday. i've never been there before, so it should be cool. going up to a friend's wedding, although i think emily is more exicted about going to the mall of america ---which reminds me: i haven't mapped that part of the trip out yet. i did get a three star hotel, the radisson on the river, for sixty bucks a night at priceline, just like the commercial said!!! yeah!!! i'm excited. oh well...gotta go make breakfast (translation: open a can of fruit cocktail.)

oh, btw...check out one of my latest sites i've been working on:

August 11, 2003

how many people do you know eat mash potatos and gravy with hamburger steak while reading the news at yahoo at six o'clock in the morning?!?!?! yeah!!!

got the new cure dvd "trilogy" this past weekend. thanks to chris for the heads-up on that and for waiting patiently for us to get our butts over to c'dale to pick it up. for cure fans, it's beyond words to watch them do "pornography" and even the two encore songs from "kiss me". go buy it!!!

August 06, 2003

it's august...i didn't blog (for this blog anyway) throughout the entire month of july! AAAAAAAAAK!!!! well, watch the same thing happen again for this month. i finished a site for a carbondale band, the plus, and powered most of it with i was around behind the's just that no one has seen me!

i'm working on my design site today...trying to get it live. i need to clean rohan's room's a disaster area, and that's after he said he cleaned it. of course, he's only three, so what can you expect. and oh, how the potty (number2) training is going ---it's HELL.

oh, i've got a new trackball, and i think i'm finally used to it. it took several days though ---and got it as i was trying to wrap up a site. not a lot of fun...but i did it.