September 12, 2003

at this very moment i'm listening to some streaming cruces from the site that i set up ages ago. i was surfing around some of the cruces links and came across it. i'm listening to sto'ree. what a great damn song. i was very proud of that song. i feel it's one of the best cruces songs that i ever wrote. why am i even taking to time to write this? well...i feel that i'm beyond it now, so i can reflect and express how i feel about the whole experience...even in small bit like this ---and i'm basically just typing to watch the words form themselves on my's not like i can see you, so i'm sharing with all who probably don't even care.

September 04, 2003

wow. i came home and thought i'd go ahead and write a couple of lines and found my blogger page gone! then i realized that it was hosted on the server that was on with my old hosting service. i've been changing everything over to a new service and just switched my nameservers over last night. i'm redoing the heavywishing site, so i wasn't even going to worry about uploading the old site to the new server just yet. i am going to do that in the near future, so that i can have it be part of my portfolio, but i never even considered that it was hosting anything else of importance that was separate from the site. come to think of it, i have some other images that are hosted from that site ---actually from the cruces folder that was in the heavywishing parent directory. well, the entire cruces site will have to be uploaded again. oh well, it's low on the list of priorities, but i guess i'll have to do it soon as well.