It's been a while since my last post. Maybe I'll post more frequent, but the odds are I won't.
I'm going to try to keep the typing down ---Emily is asleep close by, but tossing and turning. I just turned on the ceiling fan. Hopefully that'll help, but who can tell? Pregnancy is a weird thing.
I watched an old ('94) Cruces video tonight, or pieces of it. I really have never watched one of those things in their entirety. It's an odd thing, knowing that you've aged and that you don't resemble that person that is supposed to be you on a recorded piece of history like a video tape. I wonder if my kids will ever watch any of those tapes. I'm sure they'll laugh.
Oh, Rohan got attacked by a volleyball net rope at church. Rope burn right over his left eye. I don't know how he does it...
I bought the Chronicles of Riddick trilogy this weekend. I had only seen Pitch Black out of the three flicks. The animated short film was okay, but not necessary. It's something that I'm ashamed to say thatI would have done ---throwing something in that you think people will find interesting just because you have the ability and means to do it, yet that doesn't make it a good idea. Anyway, long story short, I actually liked CoR. I know that the critics hated it, but come on, what is this movie anyway? It's not Gone with the Wind, it's just plain old action/sci-fi. Hey, I liked Alien 3 when no one else did. I kinda like the character anyway. He's an outer space Mad Max. I hope they do another sequel, even though I'm probably the only one.