May 25, 2004


This happened about a month ago: We were grocery shopping at Kroger, picking up the usual fare, along with items that we receive from the WIC program. One of the things that we always get every week on the WIC card is juice. You're given options on what type of juice, and we opt for Donald Duck Orange Juice. Yes, it's really a brand of juice, although I'm not familiar with who makes it. It comes in the big can, you know the type that you use a can opener on to puncture two holes to pour it ---yeah, that type. It's incredibly good, and we just crave the stuff. I mean we're just nuts about it. Hey, it's a simple life. Anyway, we head down the juice aisle, and...they were completely sold out. No overstock, nothing. It's all gone. We we're rather disappointed, but what can you do? So we finish our rounds and head to the front of the store to check out. We got in the line of our choice behind two rather obese women. These were some butch ugly women that looked mean in the norelco way. We were giving eachother secret looks and smiles in regards to our line-mates when Emily's jaw just dropped and smashed the bread and eggs. I quickly surveyed the checkout conveyer belt to see what Emily's deal was, and lo and behold, there were ELEVEN CANS OF DONALD DUCK ORANGE JUICE. Both of us screamed about it all the way home. Fiends.

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