April 09, 2003

i don't think i'm going to get an internet connection at the house until may. i'm trying to find the best available deal on a broadband connection. so far, not much luck.

April 01, 2003

well...i'm at my dad's house right now. why? i have no internet access. i called verizon yesterday to see if my dsl service could transfer to the new address. i was bounce around and put on hold for almost thirty minutes only to find out that they won't know about my service availability until next wednesday. they say that they haven't received my new records from engineering. all because i kept my same number from one address to another. i checked with another dsl provider, who really is just an isp that goes through verizon. they can't help, because of the fact that they use verizon. i then tried to call the cable company, mediacom, and their freakin' phone was busy for almost three hours!!!! i finally got through, but was on hold for over ten minutes, just to find out that they don't have cable access for marion, but may have it in three to four weeks. yeah, right. more likely three to four months...or years!!! i called one of the local satellite businesses, but all they offer is service from illinois wireless, and i know of two people that had absolutely wretched service from them last year. so...i'm just going to have to wait and see what turns up. financially, if i have to go beyond dsl, we don't have the money this month to invest in a new broad-band modem, nor any other huge start-up costs. it is highly unlikely though that i'll be able to get dsl. i guess i wouldn't mind cable, but then i'd be tempted to ask about a package deal with digital cable for our television, and i absolutely hate the interface of digital cable. i like package deals, because i'd rather pay one provider for several services, but i'd much rather have dss, instead of digital cable. ahh, the joys of the digital dark age in southern illinois.