September 21, 2013

Elena continues to prove that she's bigger than me

I'm finally getting around to posting about this. Earlier this week, Elena came into my bedroom holding an impromptu art project. She's such the lady of the household that she can get out anything art and craft related, make a mess in her creative modds, clean it all up, and I'm almost never the wiser. Thus, I wasn't even aware that she had been busy with a project. She asked what I thought about it --it was a pink impression of her hand-prints on a piece of white glitter foam-board glued at an angle on a pink piece of glitter foam-board. It was done really nicely, and I asked, "What is it for?" She replied, "Well, I just wanted to do it for school to take and show my teacher and my class. I think it shows we can beat cancer."


Proud, proud, proud.