August 25, 2015

My Perspective Should Always Be From the Expanded Universe

After dropping El of at the junior high and making our way to Riddick's elementary school...
Riddick: "What's up with that bench over there? Is there a dead person buried underneath it?"
Me: "No, but it still may be a memorial. Sometimes benches are placed as memorials to persons who have died, much like statues, even if the body of that person is buried elsewhere."
Riddick: "Well, I know of one statue that isn't a memorial for a person who is dead."
Me: "Oh yeah? Who is that?"
Riddick, "Superman."

Too Early in the Morning for Riddick Humor

As the kids and I were in the kitchen this morning, Rohan sighed and said, "I'm tired."
Acknowledging his crazy after school schedule I chuckled and said, "Wow, I can't imagine why."
Elena obviously missing the point said, "Welllll, if you wouldn't stay up so late."
"Uhhh, there's more to it than that." I quickly replied.
"Seven hours of school, two hours of running, two hours of wrestling..." Rohan mildly added in his own defense.
Then Riddick chided, "Just wait until you get in the third grade Rohan."
I almost fell over laughing. Elena chimed in before Rohan could, "What are you talking about Riddick?!"
"Dad gets it. He's laughing." Riddick answered dryly.
"Oh do I?" I almost could not suppress my laughter. "Let's just pretend for a moment that I don't. What do you mean?"
"Yeah Riddick. If Rohan is in high school then he's already been in the third grade." jibed Elena.
Riddick answered back, "I know that Elena. It was a joke. I said 'wait', get it? He has to wait? Sheesh."
It is good to be Riddick: he has it all figured out, all of the time.

August 24, 2015

Never Cut the Red One!

Elena and I were stopped at an intersection when she observed some exposed wiring on a tractor trailer in the lane next to us. She said, "Dad, why is it they never know which wire to cut in a movie --the blue one, green one, or the red one?" My little grape is a clever one.