October 18, 2007

Radiohead's "In Rainbows"

Jef from Himalayas sent out a bulletin recently pushing Radiohead's newest effort "In Rainbows". I was just talking to my great friend Corey the other night on the phone about this release. We both agreed that we probably only listened to "Hail to the Thief" a handful of times, if that, and might each grab a copy of this latest release just because it was Radiohead, even though neither of us were excited about it. Jef has set me straight. For a limited time, Radiohead is offering this gem on their website for whatever you the consumer wishes to pay for it, even if you want it for free. I chose the deadbeat option and downloaded it for the hey of it. Now, after listening to it several times, and having fallen for it, I'm going to shelve out the bucks to get the real thing, in which they are offering on their website as well with a 12" vinyl, a second disc with some more new tunes, and some artwork. Go check it all out at their MyS page.

Faster Painted Pussycat

I had just finished painting the floor of our sleeper porch that is right off of our bedroom. I put up a baby gate to keep our dog out of the wet paint, because he had been nosing around trying to figure out what I was doing. I then grabbed a bite to eat down in the breakfast nook when Emily came in from some errands. She asked if I had the room shut off upstairs, and I told her about the gate. She asked if I thought that was really going to keep the cat out. Without comment or question I took off running, bounded up the stairs, ran though our room, and looked upon my freshly painted floor with horror. Apparently the cat had indeed jumped the gate, freaked out upon hitting the wet floor, flailed around a bit, and then jumped back into our bedroom. The painted floor was an absolute mess that would have to be quickly redone in front of the door if it was to be salvaged at all. She had then tracked paint through our bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs, down a second hall, through the kitchen, into the butler's pantry, and onto the shelf where her food is kept where it looked like she performed a number from River Dance. I've tried to kill her, but she's too fast. So it goes.

August 14, 2007

My friend Corey told me tonight that music mogul Tony Wilson of Factory Records and founder of The Hacienda club passed away last Friday after a long battle with kidney cancer. This guy was so influecial to the Manchester scene. He signed such acts as Joy Division, New Order, and the Happy Mondays. If you get a chance, rent 24 Hour Party People, which is about his life. Here's a blog with more info.

August 12, 2007

Ida will be playing @ Schuba's on Monday the 27th of this month. Tickets are only ten bucks. The last time I was able to see them was in Champaign in '99 on an acoustic tour and they were simply amazing. Their music is absolutely beautiful. They have several albums available on iTunes if you want to sample their wares. Anyway, they rarely make it to this area, so this is a must see show! Emily and I have to find someone to watch the kids and get the two oldest off to school, I will have only started a new house the week before, we're driving back the night of for work the next morning ----it's going to be extremely difficult for us to pull this off, but it's that big of a deal!!! So get your mouse a'clickin' and buy your tickets now!

August 10, 2007

Quote of the Week

I just heard Emily over my shoulder talking to Rohan: "If I pull that tooth out, you're gonna look like an idiot." Brilliance.

......and I think I'm being summoned to do the dirty deed.

July 02, 2007


My brother called me Sunday evening as Emily and I were playing goofy golf with the kids at our city park. He told me that he had two tickets to see The Police in St. Louis on Tuesday night. I'm sure they were good seats as he had spent $220 on each of them. He had bought them, because at the time they hadn't announced any dates in Chicago where he lives. Later he ended up getting tickets for a Chicago date, but couldn't get rid of the St. Louis tickets. He said that he would let me have them for $50 a piece. I jumped at it.

The Police broke up when I was 11 years old. They had always been a staple on Kasey Kasem's Top 40 Countdown, and radio in general. I remember the summer that Return of the Jedi came out, and an hour didn't pass on the radio without hearing Every Breath You Take. They also ruled Friday Night Videos on NBC. Hey ,we didn't get MTV yet. Wow...now, so many years later, I was going to get to see Sting! Sting! Man, are you listening to what I'm saying?! ...and better yet, Stewart Copeland! One of the greatest drummers of all time! Prior to six o'clock that evening, none of this reality existed. It was truly to be a beginning to July that I would not soon forget.

Later Sunday evening, I called my friend Corey who lives in St. Louis to tell him my good fortune. I knew Corey was also going to the show, so I knew he'd think it was pretty cool. Corey did think it was cool, but informed me that the show wasn't on Tuesday, but Monday the 2nd. I immediately called my brother and told him what Corey had said. Ryan assured me that the show was on Tuesday...the 2nd. I told Ryan that is was already July 1. Ryan wasn't so pleased. Of course, here I am, the guy who is about to miss out on a great show, because there would be probably no chance at getting those tickets delivered in time for the show. I then knew what I had to do. I told Ryan that I would get up early in the morning, drive to Chicago to get the tickets (almost a five hour drive), drive back to pick up Emily, and then head to St. Louis which is about two hours away. Of course, Ryan honorably said that wasn't necessary, but I assured him that I had done crazier things. Hey, what's a little road trip? Even if I would spend almost twelve hours on the road before the show started.

I called Corey to tell him that all was good, and even called my good friend Joe, who I knew would also be at the show. We agreed to text eachother to see what sections we were in. Emily and I discussed what we would do with the kids. We would ask my Dad to watch Elena and Rohan, and we knew that a lady from our church would be glad to watch Riddick. Allie was going to go to her Dad's for a week, so she would be taken care of also. I knew Rohan would be upset that Allie would be gone, but I knew that he was going to have an exciting week as well. His Uncle Ryan was going to come in to visit on Friday...he was going to get to see fireworks on Wednesday......his last ball game that I had almost forgotten about was on Tuesday night....and I was going to take him to see the new Transformers movie on...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.

I had totally forgotten.

I had gotten tickets over two weeks ago on Fandango to see a sneak preview of Transformers on MONDAY....JULY....2nd.

I sadly called Ryan and told him that I wasn't going to be coming up to get the tickets. I called Corey and Joe and told them that I wouldn't be joining them to bask in rock glory. Corey laughed at the situation and came up with the crazy scenario, saying he could just picture Rohan waiting on the front steps of our house in an Optimus Prime t-shirt, waiting for his Dad to pick him up to take him to the theatre as all the other kids in the neighborhood went racing by in cars in their t-shirts with their dads on their way to see the movie...and he would continue to wait in tears as his Dad was rocking out at the Police concert.

I'll never be THAT kind of Dad. I'll never break a promise to my boy.

Tonight I took Rohan to Target and bought him a new Optimus Prime t-shirt. Then, Rohan, Emily, and I went to see Transformers.


After all, I had been waiting for this movie just about as long as the Police have been broken up.

I did give instuctions to Emily though. When Rohan is a teenager, and tells me that I suck, for whatever reason, since he inevitably will, she is to tell him about the time that I sacrificed going to see one of the greatest rock bands of all time playing what would probably be their only reunion tour ever to go take him to see a Michael Bay car commercial called...


April 23, 2007


The song I've got up was recorded on Easter Morning at my church. It was sung by Terry Sprague, backed up on vocals by his son Chris, with Chad Harlan on piano and vocals. Terry was killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday, April 22, 2007. Please listen to the entire song, to pay respect to Terry, whether you knew him or not. Terry was a great man, husband, father, and grandfather. To me, he was a great friend that I looked forward to seeing every week. He was a musician with few peers. It was an honor to play with him every Sunday in our praise band. No one will ever be able to fill his shoes in what he did, and nothing will fill the void that has been left now that he has gone on to be with the Lord. He was an awesome guy. I wish it could be made clear why the Lord wanted to bring Terry home when he did. It's something that people will slowly accept, but I don't think we'll ever understand it. There's a reason for it...but...I guess I'm still at a loss, trying to even talk about it. So please pray for Terry's family, his wife Shara who is still recovering from surgery due to the accident, his son Chris, and his daughter Carrie.

March 28, 2007

Is this Thirty Something?

Where does string come from and how did it get all over my floor?
There is more toothpaste dried in the sink than there is in the tube.
The dish washer runs every day.
There is always a mountain of clean clothes to be folded that tries to merge with the dirty to be washed.
Somehow my desk is always littered with toys.
The trash is never empty.
Flashlights are always dead.
The gas tank is always on empty.
I don't know where we keep kleenex, but it's easy to find them wadded up.
When I go to use the bathroom there are towels laying everywhere; when I get out of the shower, there are none to be found.
There are always dead batteries where the fresh ones should be kept.
I swear dust-bunnies multiply faster than rabbits.
My leather car seats always have toddler footprints on them.
I'm always stepping in goldfish crackers.
I hate balloons and the fights that they cause.
Every room in our house is infested with Legos.
How does my two year old find chocolate anywhere she goes?
If it's plastic and makes crinkly noises, the cat will find it at three in the morning.
There are no sharpened pencils in our house.
I never remember as a kid asking my parents during the week, "So are we doing anything tonight?"
I think I'm the only person at my house who executes the final step of changing a diaper: dispose of in waste receptacle.
Every light in the house is left on during the day, yet they all seem to magically turn off after sunset.
Above all, children should never have been given instruction on how to use a DVR.
Who knew a two year old could break so many DVDs in half?
My kids can't finish a glass of anything.
They also ignore loose change.
How do we manage to simultaneously start every checkbook in the box?
I used to listen to music that I liked.
When was I not tired?

February 24, 2007

Greatness from Rohan

When I want comedy, I look no further than dinner time conversation. The other night at dinner, Allie said, "I know who Rohan likes!" Rohan just stared at her as she proclaimed, "Her name is Emily." Rohan barked, "How do you know?" Allie replied, "I looked her up in the yearbook!" Rohan smacked his own forehead and exclaimed, "They've got names in there?!?!?"

January 31, 2007

Riddick Edward Cook was born this morning, January 31, 2007 at 9:52 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs, 1 oz., and was 19.5 inches long. Emily was induced last night around 10:35 a.m, but remained at a 2 all night long, as they checked her every three hours. Emily's wonderful friend Jenny Walker was with us the entire night, and slept very little in one of the other rooms. Emily's mom Joyce and our oldest Allie arrived sometime before 7 a.m. The mid-wife broke Emily's water a little after 8. She was then given an epidural at 8:45. She had delivered our oldest three without any drugs, so with that and her abdominal hernia in consideration, she deserved the smooth ride. We (Joyce, Allie, & myself) were asked to leave the room for about half an hour while they administered the epidural. We got back around 9:20, and Emily was in much better spirits, not really feeling her contractions at all. Joyce commented from the monitor readout that the contractions had really picked up intensity. Less than ten minutes later Emily gripped the bed rails and said that something felt really strange. Her friend Lynn, who did all of her sonograms, came into the room, and Emily told her something was going on. Lynn got her nurse who then checked Emily and announced that she was complete. The midwife came in and along with her nurse and Lynn got everything ready. Lynn grabbed one leg, I was asked to grab the other, and simultaneously we brought her legs toward her chest. They asked her to push and hold for a ten count, and Riddick came flying out. The midwife said as his head first came out, face down, "There's her head!" At that point I knew we had a girl and looked to Emily. I glanced and saw the entire body come out, but didn't watch them flip him over. Then Emily cried out laughing, "It's a boy!" I looked back as they placed him on Emily's chest, and sure enough, there was his stuff. I still don't understand why you would want to know the sex of your baby! This is one of the most incredible "good" surprises anyone could ever have! As I write this, I am at home with Allie, Elena, and Rohan, while my beautiful wife and new baby boy are still at the hospital. I can't wait to bring them home tomorrow afternoon. I thank our Lord Jesus Christ that we have been so blessed with a safe delivery. I had worked out in my head any number of different outcomes and asked God to give me strength, no matter how this played out. It was all in his hands. I am so thankful that this delivery couldn't have gone any better for Emily. It was her best. I still can't explain the exploding feeling of joy that is in my chest. Praise God! and thanks to all of our friends and family who kept us in their thoughts and prayers. May God bless all of you! We love you all!