January 17, 2004

WOW!!! I haven't blogged here since Thanksgiving?!??!?! I swear, I'm not that lame. Most of my time (other than time spent on work and family) has been dedicated to my band's website, which has another blog of mine incorporated within the front page, so that's where I've been.

We took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's tonight. They had a great time. My major observation of the night was that the Skee-ball game that I grew up loving were not the huge ticket generators that I thought they were. Even at your luckiest, you might get three or four tickets. Yet right around the corner were several other types of games (if you can even call them that) that just spit tickets at you for doing nothing other than pushing a button, stopping strobing lights on a numeric amount, sort of like playing roulette. Once Emily discovered these games, we were swimming in tickets. When I was younger, my brother and I could never combine for more than fifty tickets. Do you know what our take was tonight? Just guess...C'mon....

266 tickets. And I know that probably doesn't even compare to some of the other patrons. We saw guys walking around holding bricks of tickets. Just amazing. What's even more amazing is that I'm typing about this. Oh well...simple minds, simple pleasures.

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