June 09, 2004

Emily and I just finished watching Stoked: The Rise and Fall of Gator. Everything in this movie was going on when I had just started high school, and skating meant everything to me. I refuse to believe that was seventeen years ago. Nothing else mattered then. We'd stay up all night, try to sleep from about seven in the morning until ten, then get up and go skate until the evening hours. No repsonsibilities whatsoever. It just doesn't seem real. I said that I'd skate forever. Well, forever lasted for about five years. Every once in a while I get on my old board in the garage, and tap around a little. I don't believe I'll ever skate hard again. My knees are blown from those wonderful years that I did. Growing up and skating in a small Mid-Western town didn't touch the scene that was going on out West, and I thought I was missing out. Maybe I was ---or, maybe I was lucky.

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