October 18, 2007

Faster Painted Pussycat

I had just finished painting the floor of our sleeper porch that is right off of our bedroom. I put up a baby gate to keep our dog out of the wet paint, because he had been nosing around trying to figure out what I was doing. I then grabbed a bite to eat down in the breakfast nook when Emily came in from some errands. She asked if I had the room shut off upstairs, and I told her about the gate. She asked if I thought that was really going to keep the cat out. Without comment or question I took off running, bounded up the stairs, ran though our room, and looked upon my freshly painted floor with horror. Apparently the cat had indeed jumped the gate, freaked out upon hitting the wet floor, flailed around a bit, and then jumped back into our bedroom. The painted floor was an absolute mess that would have to be quickly redone in front of the door if it was to be salvaged at all. She had then tracked paint through our bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs, down a second hall, through the kitchen, into the butler's pantry, and onto the shelf where her food is kept where it looked like she performed a number from River Dance. I've tried to kill her, but she's too fast. So it goes.

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