December 20, 2011

Not Quite 2am

Not quite a dizzy perch
The usual stumble
Effortless harrang around
The wonder of the heavens
Staring at the stars
But one of a sort
Of different pauses
A pause and capture
A moment of clear
Vision and rapturous
Chest swells when the
Wind is so strong it
Sucks out my
Every breath and
And I gasp --
Inhale and gasp --
It tears up my eyes
They well but strive to
Take it all in
Capturing what you
Were like --all of you
Sure...just a smile
Golden tresses
Laughter and joy
You were there!
In front of me!
I was in a state of shock
The entire night
A smile so exuberant
Suppressing such suppression
That I could cry
A thousand hours of
Lament just for you
Because what else?
What else can I do?
Never to see you...
Never to see you...
So yeah...
What else can I do?
And the days go by...
And the friendship grows...
And if I am able
To touch your hand
Before my time expires
I will have lived...
A full life.

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